How To Prepare Your business and staff for 2021


As the year turns and we reflect on all that this year has taught us. Ask yourself, what have I learned? What challenges did I overcome? How can I improve my life and be an asset to those around me? This year has taught us that life is unpredictable, and we must quickly learn to adapt. We want to thrive in today’s ever-changing world. As you and I know new laws, and safety guidelines have been put in place, and to remain compliant, we must make adjustments.

Tip Number One

Remember, everyone will not be aware of the new laws and regulations. As the business owner, take the initiative to preorder masks, no-touch infrared thermometers, and place hand sanitizer dispensers throughout your office. We all can be forgetful at times. Please don’t turn away a paying customer because their mask fell off during their morning run. Ask if they are interested in wearing one of your disposable masks.

Tip Number Two

Send email reminders of the new rules due to the pandemic. This gives customers time to prepare and limit confrontation and miscommunication.

Tip Number Three

Increase the frequency of cleaning at your office and in your home. Sanitize surfaces in your home or office that are frequently used.

Areas in the home or office to increase the frequency of cleaning.

Door handles


LivingRooms/ lounge Area





Conference rooms

Kitchen/ coffee stations Shared Spaces